Two Left Feet: Wonky, Comedic Marches for Band (Grade 4-5)
Keep your audience on their toes - or not. They'll be hard pressed to keep tapping in time to these off-balance marches!

Australian Music for High School, University, Youth & Community Full Orchestra
Looking to diversify the repertoire for your orchestra? Whether your musicians are just starting out, or ready for a big challenge, there's a work by an Australian composer with your name on it!

Does our repertoire reflect our people?
Well, does it? If the answer's no, then we've got work to do. Here's how to get better.

6 band works you must hear, program and perform (that you probably don't know)
Here are 6 incredible band works for ensembles from Grade 1-5 you need to hear, program and perform - that just happen to be by women composers.

Three grade 3 pieces to promote independence and creativity
So much of our job is telling players what to do and how to do it. It's so easy for us to get stuck on the podium, dictating to students every element of what and how to play. It feels good - we say something and the sound improves! Yay! But this method is actually really inefficient. What if the students could be making their own judgements about the music, adjusting in the moment and, essentially, rehearsing themselves? Sound impossible and idyllic? It's not.

Why Can’t the Students Pick Their Own Music?
I received this question from a colleague at the end of her tether, wondering what she should tell parents who were hounding her, and students who wanted to play endless concerts of Harry Potter, Star Wars, Pharell Williams and Beyonce. "We like that music, why can’t we play it in band?"